Morcego, a native of Rio de Janeiro, started capoeira with Mestre Camisa in 1981 in Swimming Club and Regatas Santa Luzia, in Flamengo - RJ and graduated Master in 1995. He began his work teaching classes at the gym Souza Angels in Cordovil - RJ, later expanding this work in Academies Las Vegas, Jardim America - RJ and Jorge Gonzales, Ilha do Governador - RJ. He moved to Brasilia in 1998 where he taught classes until 2004, currently resides in Rio de Janeiro, however supervises work done by his students in the following locations of the DF and surrounding areas: North Wing, South Wing, Guará, South Lake, Taguatinga , Brazlândia Fern Claras, Val Paradise and West City. For three years he was responsible for the technical improvement of the members of Abada Capoeira in the Southern Region and is currently responsible for this monitoring in the Northeast, in addition to his work extended by his students the following states: RJ, DF, RN, CE , PR, PB and GO. Also in France.